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Hello everyone. Thank you to you who continue to visit this site. Our fight for a free and just system based on the Constitution and on Christ as our Founders envistion, is not over. Please continue to pray and claim the presence of the Holy Spirit over our counties, state, and nation, as well as our political leaders, that the scales would fall from their eyes and they would hear and follow the will of the Lord. We are in spiritual warfare and prayer is our greatest weapon. 

We must make the issues public so they cannot be ignored in the dark. Some of the issues I ran on were election integrity, porn and filth in the schools, rising crime, and more. Some of the issues I was told about were political prosecutions, the refusal to prosecute vehicle theft causing Colorado Springs to be one of the highest vehicle theft areas in the nation, prosecutions based on woke agendas, refusal to prosecute public officials who lie, and more. Continue to pray these issues and more are exposed and that the DA's office will show integrity and do what is right and just. I will continue to look deeper into these issues and provide some feedback and an analysis of the law in relation to these issues and the evidence that exists. Please stand by and continue to watch for some updates. 

Thank you again. 


Committee to Elect David Willson
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