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Curious: Why would anyone when presented with an affidavit claim that it is not evidence?

You don't have to be an attorney to realize that if someone swears to a statement and is willing to testify to the information, that is evidence. Hmm.


I was just told recently that the current DA will not prosecute some crimes unless they include violent crime. For instance, it was reported that Colorado Springs has the highest auto theft in the country. According to some, the DA's office will not prosecute auto theft if no violence is involved. We need to know why? We cannot pick and choose and ignore some crime.

Is it time for change? Yes!

It is time for violent criminals to be held accountable and not released on low bonds? Yes!

See the articles below revealing your current District Attorney at work:

"Violent ‘gang member,’ sex offender accused of touching himself to kids at Colo. Springs park" 

"Club Q shooting suspect evaded Colorado's red flag gun law"


Q. Why, according the article above quoting the court clerks, did the DA's Office continually not argue for a high or no bond, but instead failed to object to a low bond for David Dean? Each time he was released on bond, he went on a crime spree yielding a knife, shooting at people and exposing himself to children on the playground.

Q. Why aren't high bond amounts being sought and argued for regarding violent offenders?

Q. Why wasn't the Club Q shooter prosecuted a year and a half before he killed people in the club? He had threatened to kill his family and was arrested but then released.

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