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David Willson District Attorney Judicial District 4 Colorado - MFA Action Endorsements


The incumbent DA has a long list of endorsements that are the veritable who’s who of “more of the same” and big establishment. If you are happy with the job the leaders in this community are doing, such as the DA, then maybe their endorsements are good. My endorsements come from those who truly matter, the members of this community whose lives I have personally impacted over the years; those who I have represented and given voice to in their time of need; those whose rights I have stood for.  If you vote for me, I will do the same for you.  I will stand for your rights; your right to live free from violence and crime, your right to pursue justice should you become a victim, your inalienable Constitutional rights, your right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, your right to not be targeted because of your political or religious views.  I will be your voice in the legal processes of the 4th Judicial District. 

(More Endorsements Pending)

David Wilson is a true leader. — Example Endorsement

Committee to Elect David Willson
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